Thursday, August 27, 2020

Top 10 Best AJR songs (Old).

I love AJR. While once in a while they make meh songs, like Turning Out and Let The Games Begin, most of the time they make amazing, fantastic music. They get a lot of hate from the music reviewing community for some reason, but I think they're fantastic. So in honor of this amazing, underrated band, I'm counting down my top 10 best AJR songs. And if you don't like AJR, I respect your opinion. While I don't understand it in the slightest, I would never force you to like something you don't. But if you want to read the list, please keep an open mind. Onto the list!

10. Thirsty

Thirsty is a really fun song. The yodeling is enjoyably silly, and the song itself is very fun and upbeat. The reason Thirsty is the lowest out of the 10 AJR songs I will be discussing on this list is, despite the fact that it's good, Thirsty doesn't have the amazing impact the other 9 do. It's just a simple, fun song. 

9. I'm Not Famous

This song is fun, catchy, bouncy, and shows us how being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be. Jack's voice is fantastic as usual, and it's such an enjoyably casual, fun song. Not much else to say. It's just good.

8. Next Up Forever

This song has one of the best intros of all time. And it only get's better from there. Next Up Forever is such an amazing, bombastic, song. It's incredibly sweet, reminiscent, and inspirational, and the song sounds fantastic. It's just a decent song from an album everyone seems to hate for some reason.

7. Burn the House Down

This song is basically Katy Perry's Chained to the Rhythm done right. Not that that song is bad, I personally don't have any feelings on it. But Burn The House Down does CTTR's job even better, and it sounds amazing. There's a lot of clever symbolism about how messed up our political society is, and how much of the news isn't real. It's very interesting. Also, this song doesn't have the 2 faced hypocrisy of being a song, and having a lyric about being addicted to music. I mean, even if you like Chained to the Rhythm, you have to admit how hypocritical that its. That's like making an episode of a TV show all about how bad it is to watch TV all the time.

6. BANG!

BANG! is AJR's newest song (or was, before Bummerland). And it continues their streak of fantastic songs. Despite what many people claim, this song is not about suicide. It's instead about growing up. And for what it is, BANG! is incredibly good. It has a great rhythm, a creative music video, and Jack sounds absolutely incredible as always. I'm definitely excited for more AJR. 

5. Shape of You cover.
Yup. They made a cover of Ed Sheeran's Shape Of You. Check it out. It's amazing. Even if you hate Shape of You, you will love this cover. 

4. Bud Like You

This is the song that introduced me to AJR. A long time ago when I was at camp, someone played this song, and I liked it, so I asked him what it was. He said it was called Bud Like You. When I got home, I looked it up, and the rest is history. When criticizing AJR, a lot of people tend to point to this song, because it has the double meaning of "bud" as in friend, and "bud" as in weed. While I did not notice that parallel before, my liking of the song has not changed, because, well, I'll let the witch from Into the Woods explain.

Why the hell does this in any way make the song bad? Sure, it's a needless weed reference, but it doesn't suddenly make the song bad. And on top of that, Bud Like You is awesome. The lyrics are fantastic, the melody is very jolly, and Jack's voice is fantastic as usual. I know I'm saying that a lot, but Jack really is a great singer. My only problem is that this song doesn't have a music video, which is weird, because it's one of the best songs on the album, but hey, at least I can still listen to it.

3. Come Hang Out

Come Hang Out has a bizarre, unsettling feel, that at the same time feels very inviting. It's a very weird outlier in AJR's music. Completely unlike anything they've ever made, but still fits in with the kind of stuff they make. The song also has an interesting conflict, with Jack's characters dreams, and wanting to hang out with his friends and party all the time. It's something that faces people all the time, wanting to be social, but being too busy with work. Also, Jack's voice is amazing, and the song gets catchier and catchier as it goes on. A very weird song, but one that feels just right.

2. Sober Up

Sober Up is a masterpiece. It sounds absolutely incredible, the lyrics are profound and reflective, and I love the metaphor of Jack's inner child. It's incredibly clever, interesting, and adorable. On top of that, Sober Up is one of the catchiest songs I've ever heard. It's so memorably bouncy, charming, and adorable, it's like everything that makes AJR awesome rolled into one song. Also, the "How's it go again?". Which is awesome. So what song could be better than this?

1. Overture

Obligatory comment about how this song is in the Soul trailer!

Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's talk about AJR's magnum opus, Overture. Overture is a Frankenstein's Monster, stitched out of AJR songs, and fantastic instrumentals. And it is breathtaking. Not only are the lyrics worked in through incredibly clever means, but the song gets better and better as it goes on, becoming more heavenly and amazing, until at the end you're blessed with a symphony. This song is absolutely fantastic, and while I can kind of understand the hate for other AJR songs, you would have to be deaf to not appreciate this masterpiece.

Well, those are my Top 10 best AJR songs. What do you think? What songs did I leave out? What are your thoughts on AJR? Comment below! And thanks for reading! :-)

Also, Jack's hat is really adorable.

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