Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Song Review: ESSKEETIT by Lil Pump
Top 10 Best songs of 2015
Here's the first thing that makes $ave Dat Money better than Freaky Friday and Earth: there's an actual joke. Sure, the idea of making a rap song about saving money as opposed to spending money isn't an original idea, but that doesn't mean it isn't funny. And I think that Dicky does the joke justice. The lyrics are clever, the beat slaps, and the joke about the verse from Rich Homie Quan costing too much money is actually really funny, and has the double joke of not having enough money to pay RHQ for the full verses, and being a humourous take on how guest verses rarely have to do with the actual song. So yeah, Dicky, more songs like this.
679 is the definition of a brainless song. The lyrics are meaningless, the structure is nonexistent, and it's stupid and silly. And I love every minute of it. Fetty Wap sounds fantastic, Remy Boyz is good, and dear god is this instrumental infectious as hell. Also, I know it's sewed up, but I always hear it as soda. So, yeah. 679 is a great, brainless, silly, stupid song. Check it out.
Proffesional Rapper is easily the best song from Lil Dicky. The lyrics are clever, funny, and paint an interesting picture, Snoop and Dicky both sound good, the music video is clever and well animated, and it feels like an incredibly honest picture of who Dicky is and how he sees his industry, for better or worse. It's a really cool interesting song, that proves that Lil Dicky is more than a one joke pony.
The honorary #12. An absolutely amazing piece of awesomeness.
A catchy as hell guilty pleasure.
A fun, enjoyable party song.
I actually did see the Peanuts Movie in theaters, and it was really good. It was funny, heartfelt, decently animated, and a good representation of its source material. And on top of that, it resulted in Meghan's best song. I may be alone in liking Me Too, but even the biggest Meghan Trainor hater can't hate this song. It's happy, bouncy, wholesome, Meghan sounds absolutely amazing, and unlike Just Like Fire, this song stands on its own so much to the point where the music video has absolutely nothing to do with The Peanuts Movie, aside from a few Peanuts characters. On top of that, it's an infectious as hell earworm. Once you hear it, it will be in your head for the rest of the day. And you will love it. So yeah, we may have gotten some garbage from Meghan Tumblr, but it was all worth it for this amazing song to exist.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Top 10 Worst songs of 2016
While 2016 wasn't nearly as bad as 2018 or 2014, it was still a bad year for music. A lot of the songs were really bad, but not even memorably or enjoyably bad. But let's count them down anyway, Without furthur ado, let's delve into the top 10 worst songs of 2016.
I don't hate Charlie Puth. Sure he isn't in any way good, but he seems like a nice guy, he can occasionally be good, and most of his bad music is just harmless filler. However, that doesn't save him from appearing on this list.
One Call Away by Charlie Puth.
Yeah, Superman wins. But that's really the only memorable line in the song. The rest of the lyrics are boring, generic shlock about how he'll always be there for her, and this and that and blah blah blah. Puth may be a nice guy (not that kind of nice guy, we'll get to that kind later in the list), but after listening to One Call Away, it's no wonder that he's making commercials for Subway now.
To be fly as a mother- The hell does that even mean?
Guessing now I just don't know where to find them
But I hope they all come out tonight- Well, you need to try a little harder. Love is hard. You don't always get what you want immediately.
Boys seem to like the girls who like to kiss and tell
Talking them up about things that do so well- So boys like girls that talk to their friends about their romances, and compliment them? What's wrong with that?
I'd rather find a boy who is down for the chase- Again, what does that mean?
To supply all of my heart's demands- Yes, because boys exist only to serve queen Daya.
He's gonna save my life like Superman- Gee, where have I heard that before? It's almost like that was a lyric in the song directly before this one.
And don't even get me started on the music video. A league of dads stopping their daughers from dating?! Ugh. I don't know if Daya is like this in real life, hell she probably already has a boyfriend, but if this song is what her view of love is like, I would not be surprised if Daya was single. That being said, the Neptune remix is actually pretty good:
A lot of people say this is one of Rae Sremmurd's better songs. I agree that it is, but it's still bad.
Black Beatles by Rae Sremmurd and Gucci Mane
Rae Sremmurd is one of the worst bands currently working. They're basically the Florida Georgia Line of rap: boring, douchey, annoying, and punchable. And while Black Beatles is nowhere near as bad as Swang or No Flex Zone, it's still a boring pile of mush, with the added bonus of saying that Rae Sremmurd is the black equivalent of the Beatles. Yeah, that's one of the biggest piles of bull I've ever heard in my life. This is the Beatles at their prime:
Tiimmy, Tiimmy, Tiimmy Turner
He was wishin' for a burner
To kill everybody walkin'
He knows that his soul in the furnace
Fuck bitch on BET
Had me wildin', she fuckin' on BET, wildin' for wallet
Kill everybody walkin'
He knows that his soul in the furnace
I won't lie to you- Yes you will. In fact, you spend this entire song lying to both her, and yourself.
I know he's just not right for you- Because you want her in your pants.
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop- The song never makes it clear whether the girl actually is in an abusive relationship, but if not, Shawn comes off as a dick.
I know I can treat you better
Than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman- And by Gentleman, you mean you.
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted cryin'
When you should be with me instead-I'll let Nostalgia Critic take this one:
Thanks, Doug.
So yeah, this song may appear on a lot of worst lists for 2016, but it's definitely earned it. It's despicable, ugly, whiny, dull, and toxic as all get out. Treat You Better really shows how far Shawn has grown from making immature pieces of teen trash to There's Nothing Holding Me Back, If I Can't Have You, and Lost In Japan. To borrow a quote from one of the worst songs ever made, I'm glad the old Shawn can't come to the phone right now. Because he's dead, and should stay dead. But seeing how much rage and anger I have towards Treat You Better, what beat it out for worst song of 2016? Well, before we talk about that, it's...
Boring beat, dark and dull tone, and I can barely understand a word that comes out of Future's stupid droning mouth.
Ain't Your Mama by Jennifer Lopez
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Top 10 Best songs of 2016
A lot of people think that 2016 was a garbage year for music. I personally disagree. While the songs in 2016 weren't great, 2016 was amazing compared to the garbage fires that were 2018 and 2014. So let's get into the best of what 2016 had to offer.
And the award for most overhated song of 2016 goes to...
Work by Rihanna and Drake
Mike Posner.
I Took A Pill in Ibiza (Remix) by Mike Posner
I Took a Pill in Ibiza (Remix) is a weird as hell song, but it's really cool too. Firstly, let's talk about that paper mache face. That face is perfect. It's an amazing combination of creepy and derpy, that manages to be both unsettling and symbolic. The song itself is also good. The beat is very bizzare, catchy, and unsettling, but comforting at the same time, giving the song a very distinct feel. Also, I love the techno beat. it's incredibly catchy and soothing, and makes the song feel distinct. But what really makes this song great are the lyrics. Like Hey Ya! this is a song that hides it's sad undertones with a nice poppy beat. The song is basically about Posner dealing with the life of being a celebrity in a really bad way. Except unlike Hey Look Ma I Made It, the song frames him as having a crisis of having to deal with the loneliness and boredom of being on top, as well as being an obscure nobody. So yeah, deep and meaningful, nice sound, and cool imagery. Thumbs up from me.
I have no feeling whatsoever on Twenty One Pilots. I've heard some of their songs like Stressed Out and Heathens, and while not terrible, they didn't leave that much of an impression on me. So why am I talking about them? Because of this:
Ride by Twenty One Pilots
Yes. I put this song on my best list. Let the hate comments fly. Now, before I start talking about my feelings on this song, I'm going to talk about my feelings on the woman who made it, Meghan Trainor. Because this is the first time she's appeared on this blog, and it won't be the last. Meghan Trainor songs are essentially the junk food of music. Not good for you in the slightest, has no nutritional value, some of it tastes disgusting, but others are a fun, delicious distraction. And Me Too is one of the latter. I can understand people hating Me Too, but every time I listen to it, I just want to jam. Unlike 7 Years, I can't see Meghan as a narcissist in this song. I see her as a fun, confident woman, who's proud to be herself. But really, this song appeals to me because it's stupid and fun as hell. I fully admit that it's a stupid, ridiculous song, but it is so much fun. The lyrics are dumb and silly, Meghan is just ridiculous, and it's catchy as hell. It's basically the female version of Body Like A Backroad: stupid as hell, I get the hate, but I enjoy it way too much for it to be considered bad in my books.
For those of you upset that I like Me Too, and dislike Truth Hurts, at least we can agree on one thing: Good As Hell is just that.
Good As Hell by Lizzo
Now, granted, I am a man, so maybe I'm not the right person to talk about feminism. But from what I can tell, feminism is bringing both sides together, not one side bullying another. And that's what makes Good As Hell such a great song. Unlike Truth Hurts, it's a perfect example of how to make a feminist anthem. And it also helps that it sounds amazing
Don't Mind by Kent Jones is a guilty pleasure. Sure, it's stupid and dumb, but it is such a catchy, rhythmic as hell song. But why am I talking about it? Well....
Don't Mind (Remix) by Kent Jones, Pitbull, Lil Wayne, and DJ Khaled
This lyric video is straight up genius. Not only does it do a good job capturing the tone and feel of a 1950s dance show, but it clashes brilliantly with the song itself. It also does a really good job of capturing the 1950s aesthetic, and it's really cool. Also, both singers are great. Sia is really good, and Sean Paul sounds really good. A lot of people think he sounds bad on this song, but I think he sounds fine. Also, the Male and Female Sias are really cool. They're incredibly cool, bizzare, and weird. And the blackness of their face reminds me of Todd In The Shadows. So, yeah. Good song, great lyric video, fantastic all around.
Fun as hell.
This song is way too good to be associated with a movie as bad as Suicide Squad.
I mean what else could've been #1? Like Psycho and Perfect, 24K Magic is a song that perfectly encapsulates everything that makes its artist great, and makes an absolutely amazing song out of it. It's charismatic as hell, enjoyably catchy, fun, amazing, and is easily the best song of Bruno Mars' career. People seem to think that this song is an inferior version of Uptown Funk, but I think it's the opposite. Not that Uptown Funk is bad, but 24K Magic blows it out of the water. It's fantastic, charismatic, and filled to the brim with 80's charm. If you haven't heard it yet, just play the video above, and be blown away how amazing this thing is.
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