Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Album Review: MANIA by Fall Out Boy

MANIA is not only the most infamous album of Fall Out Boy's career, but also one of the most infamous albums of the 2010s. A lot of people, Fall Out Fanboys and not FOB fans alike, claim this as the band's worst album. My thoughts? Well, you're about to find out, as I take a look at the infamous album, MANIA by Fall Out Boy

 FALL OUT BOY - M A N I A - Amazon.com Music

Cover: Well, I will say this about the cover: It's not boring. However, I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be. It's the title of the album and the artists in neon letters, inside a purple corridor, leading to a wave. What exactly is this? Still a cool cover, though. Verdict: 4/5

Song 1: Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea

Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea is a really good song. It's a song that plays into Fall Out Boy's strengths. It's hard hitting and loud, but not at My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark levels. Pat Stump sounds good, the guitars are good, the lyrics are good, and the tune is hard hitting. A really good introduction.

Verdict: 4/5.

Song 2: The Last Of The Real Ones

I really don't like The Last Of The Real Ones. Granted, the pianos are really good, but Pat sounds fricking terrible. He is waaaay too obnoxious. Also the song itself has no tune, and it's just a bunch of obnoxious noodling. It's the kind of song people think of when they say they hate Fall Out Boy. If it wasn't for a certain song coming up, The Last Of The Real Ones would be the worst song on this album. But we'll get there. Oh boy, we'll get there.

Verdict: 0/5.

Song 3: Hold Me Tight Or Don't

This is a really good song. The beat is funky, Pat sounds good, the Day Of The Dead motif is really gives the song a unique vibe, and the song itself is a jam and a half. The lyrics are also really cool and interesting, and the song is just really fun. Hold Me Tight Or Don't earns my seal of approval. And speaking of Fall Out Boy songs that earn my seal of approval...

Verdict: 5/5

Song 4: Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)

There are very few songs you can describe as absolutely perfect in every way. Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) is one of them. The production is fantastic and fun, Pat sounds amazing, the lyrics are meaningless as hell, but enjoyable and fun, and the song just has a fun and energetic vibe. It's easily the best song, not just from MANIA, but from Fall Out Boy's entire career. It's a fun, amazing slice of awesomeness. Not since Bohemian Rhapsody and the music of AJR have I seen a song this objectively perfect. Check it out if you haven't.

Verdict:  ∞/5

Song 5: Church

Church is really meh. It's not awful, it's not great, it's just...meh. The beat is lukewarm, Pat sounds passable, the lyrics are generic, it's just an unsatisfying song. As bad as The Last Of The Real Ones and a certain other song coming up are, at least I can hate them. Church is as boring as, well... going to church. A major skip.

Verdict: 1/5.

Song 6: Heaven's Gate

This song is ok. It has a nice, relaxing vibe, Pat sounds good, the lyrics are fine, and the song is reminiscent of a classic 80's rock ballad. Very cool stuff, but not especially memorable or interesting. Still a good song, though.

Verdict: 3/5.

Song 7: Champion

Wow is this song boring. The melody is limp, the lyrics are generic as hell, Pat sounds passable, and while the song has a bit of a groove, there's nothing that really makes it that great. Just listen to Centuries. That's basically this song, but better.

Verdict: 1/5

Song 8: Sunshine Riptide

This song is really cool. It's not especially memorable, but it has an interesting melody, is really groovy, and Pat sounds really good. It's a really interesting, cool groove. Definitely an album highlight.

Verdict: 5/5.

Song 9: Young And Menace

It's time. The moment you've all been waiting for: Young And Menace. The most hated song on the album. Yeah, I have unpopular opinions on occasion, but my opinion on Y&M is not one of them. Young And Menace SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Let's start with the most obvious problem: the chorus. That chorus isn't just ear rape. It's ear rape and being crushed in a garbage disposal. It is so obnoxious and unpleasant, it makes The Hills look like an AJR song. But let's ignore the chorus, and talk about the song itself. It's still bad. The song itself has a seedy, unpleasant vibe, and while Pat doesn't sound as bad as he did on The Last Of The Real Ones, he still sounds pretty bad. And the lyrics are absolute trash. "Kill me Twice like my name was Nikki Six"? "I woke up in my shoes again, but somewhere you exist"? "I only wrote this down to make you press rewind, and send the world a message: I was Young and a Menace"? I've heard Train songs with less awful lyrics. Oh, and there's also a needless Britney Spears reference, and don't even get me started on the creepy as hell music video. I've seen some people that actually like this song, and I'm glad they can see something good in it, but I'm sorry, I'm siding with everyone else: Young And Menace is not just the worst song on MANIA, not just the worst song of Fall Out Boys' career, but also one of the worst songs ever made. 

Verdict:  -∞/5

Song 10: Bishops Knife Trick

Let's move on from the awfulness of Young And Menace with something that's hopefully better: the final song on the album, Bishops Knife Trick. Will this end the album on a good note, or will it fall flatter than a pancake? Well, good news. Bishops Knife Trick is a fantastic send off. The instrumental is fantastic, Pat's voice is lovely, the lyrics are interesting, and like Heaven's Gate, Bishops Knife Trick has a bit of a 80's rock ballad. A really good end to a pretty bad album.

Verdict: 5/5

Final Thoughts: Does MANIA deserve the hate it has? Yes. Yes it does. Don't get me wrong: there are some good songs on here. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea is an enjoyable jam, Hold Me Tight Or Don't is fantastic, Sunshine Riptide is cool, Bishops Knife Trick is a great song, and Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) is not only the best Fall Out Boy song ever, but one of the best songs ever made. But as good as they are, they don't make up for the rest of this album, which ranges from forgettable and dull to heinously bad. Do I recommend this album? Absolutely not. Just check out the songs that I gave a positive review, especially Hold Me Tight Or Don't and Wilson (Expensive Mistakes). But the rest of the album is not worth it in the slightest. Congratulations, MANIA. You have the honor of being the first bad album I've reviewed on my blog. I'm sure many others will follow.

Verdict: 2/5

Best Songs: Wilson (Expensive Mistakes), Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea, Hold Me Tight Or Don't, Sunshine Riptide.

Worst Songs: Young And Menace, The Last Of The Real Ones, Church, Champion.

What are your thoughts on MANIA? What's your favorite and least favorite Fall Out Boy song? Comment below!

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