Monday, December 28, 2020

Song Review: Say So Remix by Doja Cat and Nicki Minaj

You might have noticed that I didn't mention the Say So Remix in my worst songs of 2020 list. Well, that's because I don't care about it whatsoever. Oh, it is a bad remix, don't get me wrong, but I honestly don't care about it whatsoever. The original Say So is ok, but nothing great. It's alright, but in terms of retro throwbacks, it's really lacking. It just doesn't have the charm songs like Blinding Lights or Watermelon Sugar have. It's not bad, but if I want a 1970's throwback, I'd rather go with Myrtle Beach Summer 1974, especially because it's a collab between bbno$ and Yung Gravy. As for the remix? 

Yeah, the Say So remix takes what little worked about the original, and flushes it right down the crapper. It's like the opposite of the Don't Mind Remix. With that remix, Pitbull and Lil Wayne's verses add to the song, but with the Say So remix, Nicki subtracts to the song. She doesn't fit at all with the song, she sounds terrible (say what you will about the I Hope remix, at least Puth sounded good there), and her lyrics are absolute garbage. It's like she's doing genuinely what Lil Dicky did ironically, and it is cringey as hell. Oh, and there's a quarantine reference, which incredibly dates this song. And sure, there's the original, but like I said, the original isn't that good. It's not bad, but unlike most people, I'm not swayed by it. The reason songs like 24K Magic, Blinding Lights, Supalonely, and Watermelon Sugar work is because, in addition to being retro-throwbacks, they each have their individual charm which helps resonate with the listener. Say So, while sounding decent, just doesn't have the charm and uniqueness that those other songs do, and the remix makes it worse by combining it with one of the worst guest verses of all time. So yeah, this remix sucks. The only good thing about it is that at least it's better than Juicy. That song is an abomination. As for the original? It's ok, but if I want a Doja Cat song, I'd rather stick with this:

What are your thoughts on the Say So Remix and the original? Which one do you think is better?

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