Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Song Review: Everyday by Logic and Marshmello


I am not that big of a Marshmello fan. I detest Friends, Happier sucks, and has a manipulative as hell music video that can burn in hell,  One Thing Right is boring as hell, and most of his other songs are either really bizarre or really boring. However, there are 3 Marshmello songs I really like: Be Kind, which is one of 2 songs Halsey doesn't suck in, Silence, and the subject of this review, Everyday. Everyday is an insanely good song. But before we talk about the song itself, I want to talk about the guy who made it, Logic. Logic is... weird. He has a good flow, but he's just such a bizarre personality, and his bad songs are bad in the most bizarre, unique way, like 1-800 and Keanu Reeves. However, Everyday is not one of his bad songs. Let's start with the production. The production is very sleek, cool, and funky, which greatly supports Logic's fantastic flow. Speaking of which, Logic. Yeah, he sounds great. His flow is great, his lyrics are great, and he does a great job capturing the feeling of a guy who's stuck at a dead end job, but is determined to come out on top. But what truly makes this video work is around the 2 minute mark. At first, the video is a typical music video, but around that point, the video morphs into an actual story, about an older Logic, teaming up with Marshmello and 2 other guys to take down the system. And while Logic is heavily ADR'd in this scene, it really helps make Everyday stand out, and be interesting. And like I mentioned in my 2018 best list, this video has a reference to Office Space, which is awesome. In conclusion, Everyday is a fantastic song, which is easily the best thing both of these artists have made. Of course I recommend checking it out.

What are your thoughts on Everyday? What are your thoughts on Marshmello and Logic? What's your favorite Marshmello and Logic song? Comment below!!!!

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