Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Song Review: Sail by AWOLNATION


In Sean Fey Wolfe's 2015 best list, he put The Hills at #5, mainly due to how such a dark song managed to become a huge hit. And while The Hills is an awful pile of ear rape, I do respect it in that regard. I mean, it's not like a dark song managed to become a huge hit while sounding good at the same ti-OH WAIT, YES THAT TOTALLY HAPPENED WITH SAIL BY AWOLNATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, The Hills becoming a hit is still pretty impressive, but Sail managed to become a huge hit, while being dark and sounding good. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about why Sail is such a good song. First off, the production. This production is fantastic. It's almost hard to describe. The closest word I could use to describe it is funky, but it's not really entirely funky. It has incredibly bizarre choices, like pianos, vibrating, screeching, it's all very weird. It kind of reminds me of Come With Me Now, in how it tackles a dark subject matter with impactful production. The singing is also good. It's mainly scream-singing, which usually sounds really bad. But Sail makes it work. There's so much passion put into his voice, that it helps make the screaming palatable. Also, the lyrics are dark, but interesting. Going back to The Hills, that song had lyrics about stuff like drugs, sex, and an unneeded reference to The Hills Have Eyes, while Sail is about a man suffering as psychological breakdown through his A.D.D. About going through the trauma of a mental disorder. And it SOUNDS GOOD WHILE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I almost forgot the music video. Yeah, this music video is really cool. Not only are there a lot of really cool things happening, but it also leaves it up to the listener to imagine what is going on. Awesome. In conclusion, Sail by AWOLNATION is a fantastic song. If you're a fan of The Hills, check out this song. And even if you aren't, like I am, check this song out. It's really great.

What are your thoughts on Sail by AWOLNATION? Comment below!

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